
The history which I´m to tell you goes back up in the mists of time.

In this period, the earth was covered with vast unlimited forests, certain were inextricable and the misled travelers rarely found their road.

In these time there, wolves lived numerous, they formed very treated on a hierarchical basis clans, strong and brave, they had the other enemies only the men.

The men when to them fed a deep hatred to wolves and when they were face to face, it was rare that both survive this meeting.

Hardly the child of the men walked, that he had learnt to hate the wolf.

Every sold decade, wolves, only the chieftains and some elected representatives began the last great journey. Of all the regions of the North of the hemisphere, they convergaient in the same place, the vast clearing in the center of a deep and black forest, somewhere in a country which we shall call later FRANCE.

Some came from a great distance, it was the big gathering during which male wolves and female still solitary were going to seal a new wedding alliance, they came there to find the companion of a life.

The leaders shared their knowledge and the young people built their descent.

This year there, WHITE WOLF , still solitary chieftain came to find a partner there, making road he thought of the heavy secret which was his.

Some months earlier, during a hunting, he had discovered a young lady fainted in the fresh snow. He had approached her slowly, suspiciously as we had always taught him, long minutes had so passed by, when suddenly the young lady moved, she half-opened eyes and far from being terrified by the sight of the wolf, she smiles to him.

She held out a hand and caressed the fur of the animal, that-this welcomed this mark of affection at first in astonishment then soon with pleasure. Without knowing that he could understand her, she explained him her fear when she had seen itself misled in the forest, by listening of the noise, she had begun running without seeing a big branch which blocked the road, she had stumbled heavily and had fainted.

While speaking to him she had not stopped caressing him. She looked him straight in the eyes and asked him to take him up to the village, only she says, I shall never find my road.

WHITE WOLF ran, it saw out her up to the entry of the village and for a long time it stayed there, to watch at her leaving, even when he could not see her any more.

Of return in the taniere of the clan, he understood that he would never be the same, never he would see the men in the same way.

He began even to mean watching for the entry of the village in the hope of the see.

In numerous kilometres from there, a she-wolf and her brother walked to the side of a chieftain, they made they too route towards the big gathering.

The she-wolf CALYPSONE came to make it wedding alliance, she hoped for it for a long time but since the last summer, she was lived by the fear, her road had crossed that of an injured gentleman, instead of denouncing him to the pack as it is necessary, she had hidden him, covered with leaves and with boughs and had fed him until he can manage only.

The man had never shown the slightest fear in front of the she-wolf, on the contrary he liked speaking to him, to caress her, he made him confidences as he would have made him to one of his fellow men. He dreamed about a world or the men and wolves would make the peace, a world or the hatred of the other one shall not exist any more.

One evening while CALYPSONE came to find him, he had left by leaving on the ground his scarf, a little of his smell that she Took pleasure to sniff.

Often, since then, she came to lengthen at feet of the tree which had been the witness of their friendship.

The sacred clearing was ready, all the participants had gathered in several circles, in the middle were the solitary persons, it was necessary of custom to observe and when a male wolf found a she-wolf at her/his convenience, he advanced in the middle of the circle, then from there by crawling he went to the elected representative.

This sacred evening, when perceived CALYPSONE WHITE WOLF, she recognized immediatement the companion who lived in its dreams, the one that she had always waited for.

So, pushing aside all the rules, she advanced on him, without fear, looking at him at the bottom of her golden pupils. WHITE WOLF, as if it had always known what was going to arrive, accepted CALYPSONE as copmpagne without taking offence in a cavalier way that it had used to achieve the aim.

Same night their union is sealed. The big wise person gave his agreement having verified that they did not belong to the same clan and that their two statures harmonized between them.

The she-wolf said its farewells to the clan which had seen him growing and got ready for the journey of return. Their trip is without history.

Unconsciously or step, WHITE WOLF built their shelter not far from the place oû it had discovered the young lady last winter.

In the spring of the year which followed, CALYPSONE gave birth to two wolf cubs, a male and a female. Before putting packsaddle, she had admitted to WHITE WOLF the traitor whom she had made for her race, by hiding and by feeding a. WHITE WOLF human being had confided him in his turn his secret and since then they did not form more than one.

One night, they were wake by one of the shouts which made them go out of their den, they perceived far off a thick smoke, a fire fired the sky .Les shouts lasted for a long time and at the crack of dawn a smell bitter reached until them.

The magic of wolves in these time there was big and their even bigger hatred of the human beings, several clans had united to destroy a village which had killed some of theirs .Ceux which had not died in the fire, were destroyed by wolves.

WHITE WOLF collected his partner and its youngs and decida to go away for ever from these barbaric wolves, he wanted a different world for his descent.

At the same moment, a man and a woman, only surviving of the massacre avoided too the night horror.

The legend says that the road of wolves crossed that of the human beings.

That WHITE WOLF recognized the woman which he had helped as well as recognized CALYPSONE the man as were the one that she had hidden in wood.

We also say that they made road together up to a big clearing. Only with their courage, they built a new world or all those who lived without hatreds were welcome. The human beings as the wolves...

" WHITE WOLF is at the origin of a new race of wolves, closer to the man and which many years later will give birth to this race of civilized wolf which we shall call THE DOG.

Duterte source



A totem can be the symbol of a tribe, clan, family or individual.

Native American tradition provides that each individual is connected with nine different animals that will accompany each person through life, acting as guides. Different animal guides come in and out of our lives depending on the direction that we are headed and the tasks that need to be completed along our journey.

We all have power animals which can be accessed. Here are a list of animals and their meanings in Native American beliefs.

Native beliefs further explain that a totem animal is one that is with you for life, both in the physical and spiritual world. Though people may identify with different animal guides throughout their lifetimes, it is this one totem animal that acts as the main guardian spirit.

 With this one animal a connection is shared, either through interest in the animal, characteristics, dreams, or other interaction.

 This Animal Guide offers power and wisdom to the individual when they "communicate” with it, conveying their respect and trust. This does not necessarily mean that you actually pet or spend time with this animal, more that you are open to learning its lessons.

The Bear

The Bear is a symbol of power, strength and healing.  The Bear is held in high respect by all, as it is beloved as an elder family member of the human race.
When hunted and killed the body of the bear was generally taken to the chief's dwelling and showered in eagle down, which is a gracious symbol of welcoming friendship.

The Eagle 

Eagles are traditionally associated with traits such as great strength, leadership and incredible prestige.  In Indian societies Eagles are known as the messenger of the Creator and are  placed high regard.  Their habit of soaring at great heights led Indian people to think of Eagles as the carriers of prayers to the Creator.  Eagle down is scattered before honoured guests during entrance to dances and other important ceremonies. An eagle feather is considered a lucky token to both the presenter and the receiver.

The Frog 

Most tribes considered the frog to be a successful communicator and an honoured keeper of tradition. Among many West Coast tribes, the Frog heralds in spring and new life. Frogs would be carved on house poles and totem poles to bring good fortune to the building and to ensure it would not collapse.

The Hummingbird 

In Indian societies it was commonly associated with love, beauty and intelligence.  They are regarded as spirit messengers.  These brilliantly coloured, fast birds grace the West Coast during the early Summer months.

The Killer Whale/ Orca 

The killer whale is commonly associated with beauty and power. Frequently regarded as a traveller and a guardian, killer whales are thought to be closely related to humans. One tribe even believes that killer whales are their reincarnated ancestors.

The Moon 

The moon has a very prominent role in Northwest Native legend. Viewed as the protector of the people during the night, his nightly appearance was very important. It was thought that when a solar eclipse occurred a giant fish was actually swallowing the moon. For their very survival they would start an enormous bonfire and throw as much green or wet wood into it as possible. This would create such a smoke plum that the fish would cough up the moon and put him back in his place.

The Raven 

The Raven is associated with creation and knowledge.   Similar to Loki, this sly bird is known for both mischief and as the bringer of light to humanity. The legend of the Raven says that in a mythical time, a greedy sky tribe captured and hid the sun away - leaving the human race in darkness.  At this time Raven was white as snow.  To relieve the misery of the human tribe, Raven flew down a chimney to retrieve the sun.  After putting the sun back in place, black soot was embedded in his feathers, leaving him permanently black.  While Raven sacrificed his beautiful color for humanity, there are also many stories of how the raven’s mischievous nature got the best of him.

The Sun 

In Northwest Native culture the sun is known to provide the earth with healing energy and life. According to most tribal legends the raven stole the sun from an evil tribe, who had hidden it away for themselves. He then placed it in the sky, where it remains until today for all to enjoy.

The Wolf 

Generally perceived to emit intelligence, individualism and leadership they are also seen as pathfinders. Known for their family values, wolves mate for life. Always on top of new ideas, the wolf is also a patient teacher.

The Thunderbird 

Among West Coast Indians, the Thunderbird symbolizes Mystical Power and Leadership.  A mythical creature that inhabited the mountains of the Pacific Northwest.  The Thunderbird was said to have a wing span of two war canoes and destroyed enemies with bolts of lightening.  This legendary great bird traditionally preyed upon Killer Whales, which once caught, were taken up to the mountain nest to feed the bird and its offspring.

People must listen their inner voice to choose a totem animal !And sometimes strangely it's the animal choose   to follow you all your life as ally.

Ant: group mind, patience, action

Buffalo: sacredness, life, abundance

Butterfly: metamorphosis and transformation

Coyote: the trickster, devilment

Crow: law, shape shifting, change

Deer: gentleness, caring and kindness

Dragonfly: Illusion - Transcendence

Elk: strength and agility

Fox: cunning, agility, quick-witted

Hawk: messenger, intuition, discernment

Horse: stamina, mobility

Kokopelli: fertility, music and joy

Moose: headstrong, longevity, steadfastness

Owl: deception, clairvoyance, insight (the night eagle)

Rabbit: fear, timidity, nervousness, humility

Snake: shrewdness, rebirth

Spider: Creatrix, web spinner

Squirrel: planner, gatherer

Swan: grace, balance and innocence

Turtle: nurturer, protector, mother energy


From within the warm, secure den, I watch Father, his coat thick and white as the snow under his paws, disappears into the deep woods beyond for the night's hunt.

I whine in disappointment of not being able to hunt with them because I'm still young.

"Very soon," begins my older brother sitting beside me, "you'll be out there leading the pack just like him and mother."

I know this is true but it seems so far away when I think about it.

My sister nuzzles me with her stout nose to play a game with her.

My brother is amused and tells me to not think of hunting, but to live and enjoy my precious moments as a pup.

"You'll be a grown wolf soon enough," he says.

Feeling a twitch of hope within my heart, I race after my sister and over the cold, powdery face of Mother Earth.

I tumble and roll within the flying flakes of Mother Earth's hair so white and clean, knowing that I will someday be a leader, a hunter, and a father of a pack all my own.
Text by Jennifer Tissot

“Follow your dreams, for as you dream you shall become.”


On Dec. 21st, 2010 , an amber light will play across the snows of North America, throwing landscapes into an unusual state of ruddy shadow. In Solstice Lunar Eclipse ( Christmas lunar eclipse )

The eclipse begins on Tuesday morning, Dec. 21st, at 1:33 am EST (Monday, Dec. 20th, at 10:33 pm PST). At that time, Earth's shadow will appear as a dark-red bite at the edge of the lunar disk. It takes about an hour for the "bite" to expand and swallow the entire Moon. Totality commences at 02:41 am EST (11:41 pm PST) and lasts for 72 minutes.

This picture comes from nasa ( incredible Lunar eclipse )

December Moon names from different culture

Kaitvitjuitk (Inuit).
Cold Moon (Celtic).
Night Moon (Taos).
Respect Moon (Hopi).
Bitter Moon (Chinese).
Peach Moon (Choctaw).
Twelfth Moon (Dakotah).
Big Winter Moon (Creek).
Real Goose Moon (Kiowa).
Cold Time Moon (Mohawk).
Ashes Fire Moon (San Juan).
Oak Moon (Medieval English).
Big Bear’s Moon (Winnebago).
Long Night Moon (Neo-Pagan).
Popping Trees Moon (Arapaho).
Running Wolves Moon (Cheyenne).
Frost Fish Moon (Passamaquoddy).
Cold Moon, Long Nights Moon (Algonquin).
Snow Moon, Before Yule Moon (Cherokee).
Oak Moon : Full, : Snow Moon Dark (Janic).
Popping Tress Moon, Deer Horn Shedding Moon (Sioux)


There is a bird that lays no eggs and has no young. It was here when the world began and is still living today, in a hidden, faraway desert spot. It is the phoenix, the bird of fire.

One day in the beginning times, the sun looked down and saw a large bird with shimmering feathers. They were red and gold--bright and dazzling like the sun itself. The sun called out, "Glorious Phoenix, you shall be my bird and live forever!"

Live forever! The Phoenix was overjoyed to hear these words. It lifted its head and sang, "Sun glorious sun, I shall sing my songs for you alone!"

But the Phoenix was not happy for long. Poor bird. Its feathers were far too beautiful. Men, women, and children were always casing it and trying to trap it. They wanted to have some of those beautiful, shiny feathers for themselves.

"I cannot live here," thought the phoenix. and it flew off toward the east, where the sun rises in the morning.

The Phoenix flew for a long time, and then came to a far away, hidden desert where no humans lived. And there the phoenix remained in peace, flying freely and singing its songs of praise to the sun above.

Almost five hundred years passed. The Phoenix was still alive, but it had grown old. It was often tired, and it had lost much of its strength. It couldn't soar so high in the sky, nor fly as fast or as far as it was young.

"I don't want to live like this," thought the Phoenix. "I want to be young and strong."

So the Phoenix lifted it's head and sang, "Sun, glorious sun, make me young and strong again!" but the sun didn't answer. Day after day the Phoenix sang. When the sun still didn't answer, the Phoenix decided to return to the place where it had lived in the beginning and ask the sun one more time.

It flew across the desert, over hills, green valleys, and high mountains. The journey was long, and because the Phoenix was old and weak, it had to rest along the way. Now, the Phoenix has a keen sense of smell and is particularly fond of herbs and spices. So each time it landed, it collected pieces of cinnamon bark and all kinds of fragrant leaves. It tucked some in among its feathers and carried the rest in its claws.

When at last the bird came to the place that had once been its home, it landed on a tall palm tree growing high on a mountainside. Right at the top of the tree, the Phoenix built a nest with the cinnamon bark and lined it with the fragrant leaves. Then the Phoenix flew off and collected some sharp-scented gum called myrrh, which it had seen oozing out of a nearby tree. The Phoenix made an egg from the myrrh and carried the egg back to the nest.

Now everything was ready. The Phoenix sat down in its nest, lifted its head, and sang, "Sun, glorius sun, make me young and strong again!"

This time the sun heard the song. Swiftly it chased the clouds from the sky and stilled the winds and shone down on the mountainside with all its power.

The animals, the snakes, the lizards, and every other bird hid from the sun's fierce rays -- in caves and holes, under shady rocks and trees. Only the Phoenix sat upon its nest and let the suns rays beat down upon it beautiful, shiny feathers.

Suddenly there was a flash of light, flames leaped out of the nest, and the Phoenix became a big round blaze of fire.

After a while the flames died down. The tree was not burnt, nor was the nest. But the Phoenix was gone. In the nest was a heap of silvery-gray ash.

The ash began to tremble and slowly heave itself upward. From under the ash there rose up a young Phoenix. It was small and looked sort of crumpled, but it stretched its neck and lifted its wings and flapped them. Moment by moment it grew, until it was the same size as the old Phoenix. It looked around, found the egg made of myrrh, and hollowed it out. Then it placed the ashes inside and finally closed up the egg. The young Phoenix lifted its head and sang, "Sun, glorious sun, I shall sing my songs for you alone! Forever and ever!"

When the song ended, the wind began to blow, the clouds came scudding across the sky, and the other living creatures crept out of their hiding places.

Then the Phoenix, with the egg in its claws, flew up and away. At the same time, a cloud of birds of all shapes and sizes rose up from the earth and flew behind the Phoenix, singing together, "You are the greatest of birds! You are our king!"

The birds flew with the Phoenix to the temple of the sun that the Egyptians had built at Heliopolis, city of the sun. Then the Phoenix placed the egg with the ashes inside on the sun's altar.

"Now," said the Phoenix, "I must fly on alone." And while the other birds watched, it flew off toward the faraway desert.

The Phoenix lives there still. But every five hundred years, when it begins to feel weak and old, it flies west to the same mountain. There it builds a fragrant nest on top of a palm tree, and there the sun once again burns it to ashes. But each time, the Phoenix rises up from those ashes, fresh and new and young again.

Note : There are many, many descriptions of this legendary bird. Al-Jili considers the phoenix a prime example of unseen things (such as God), which can only be understood through their names and attributes. Some describe the phoenix as an eagle-sized bird; half eagle and half pheasant. Others say it is heron-like or a conglomeration of the most beautiful parts of all the birds in the world. Its name comes from the Greek word for "purple" because the phoenix is associated with fire and the sun. It has been described as golden or multi-colored. Some say it never eats. Others say it eats only dew. Most believe there is only one of its kind and it lives alone in Arabia or Ethiopia. All agree it is a bird of great beauty.


When rising to speak in council or to tender advice, all eyes were turned upon him, and deep-toned, sonorous, and eloquent sentences rolled from his lips :

* What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, men would die from great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to man. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth.

* Every part of all this soil is sacred to my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in the days long vanished. The very dust you now stand on responds more willingly to their footsteps than to yours, because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors and our bare feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch.

Even the little children who lived here and rejoiced here for a brief season love these somber solitudes, and at eventide they greet shadowy returning spirits.

* When the Earth is sick, the animals will begin to disappear, when that happens, The Warriors of the Rainbow will come to save them.

Chief Seattle - Suqwamish & Duwamish

Here is a video of The Warriors of the Rainbow

 The day Will Come, It is Not Far Away...


From  Shoshone Tribe
The Shoshoni people saw the Wolf as a creator God and they respected him greatly. Long ago, Wolf, and many other animals, walked and talked like man.

Coyote could talk, too, but the Shoshoni people kept far away from him because he was a Trickster, somebody who is always up to no good and out to double-cross you.

Coyote resented Wolf because he was respected by the Shoshoni. Being a devious Trickster, Coyote decided it was time to teach Wolf a lesson. He would make the Shoshoni people dislike Wolf, and he had the perfect plan. Or so he thought.

One day, Wolf and Coyote were discussing the people of the land. Wolf claimed that if somebody were to die, he could bring them back to life by shooting an arrow under them. Coyote had heard this boast before and decided to put his plan into action.

Wearing his most innocent smile he told Wolf that if he brought everyone back to life, there would soon be no room left on Earth. Once people die, said Coyote, they should remain dead.

If Wolf takes my advice, thought Coyote, then the Shoshoni people would hate Wolf, once and for all.

Wolf was getting tired of Coyote constantly questioning his wisdom and knew he was up to no good, but he didn't say anything. He just nodded wisely and decided it was time to teach Coyote a lesson.

A few days after their conversation, Coyote came running to Wolf. Coyote's fur was ruffled and his eyes were wide with panic.

Wolf already knew what was wrong: Coyote's son had been bitten by Rattlesnake and no animal can survive the snake's powerful venom.

Coyote pleaded with Wolf to bring his son back to life by shooting an arrow under him, as he claimed he could do.

Wolf reminded Coyote of his own remark that people should remain dead. He was no longer going to bring people back to life, as Coyote had suggested.

The Shoshoni people say that was the day Death came to the land and that, as a punishment for his mischievous ways, Coyote's son was the first to die.

No one else was ever raised from the dead by Wolf again, and the people came to know sadness when someone dies. Despite Coyote's efforts, however, the Shoshoni didn't hate Wolf. Instead, they admired his strength, wisdom and power, and they still do today.

* The Shoshone are a Native American tribe in the United States with three large divisions: the Northern, the Western and the Eastern.
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