
After a long wait and a fierce but friendly competition, the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards have announced their finalists.

And the photos are so good, they’re bound to make your day brighter.

One of the founders of the Awards, Tom Sullam, told Bored Panda that the competition exists to recognize great photography and pictures of wild animals that make us snort into our cups of tea. The competition also aims to raise awareness about conservation through a humorous, upbeat, and positive association with these animals.

“We strongly believe humor and positivity have a major role to play in building awareness, interest, and eventually action towards protecting the animals that live on this planet,” Tom said. “Over the years, the competition has focused more and more on the conservation, working with the Born Free Foundation and promoting conservation efforts around the world.”

He continued: “We, without being too preachy, want to get you all, and ourselves, to behave a tiny bit differently towards the world we live in. The smallest effort achieved towards conservation is better than the biggest effort never started!”

Tom was ecstatic about how well this year's competition was turning out. “We expected this year to be a little bit tricky as a result of COVID restrictions. But quite sensationally and against all better judgment, we received the highest number of entries ever, over 7,000—and the standard across the board has gone up incredibly,” Tom shared.

“We all have that friend” ©️ Yarin Klein / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020. Animal: Brown Bears, Location: Kuril Lake, Kamchatka

“It has been such a positive response and such an upbeat process to be part of when so many things in 2020 have been so miserable/depressing/disappointing!”

Tom said that the images coming in at such a high volume have kept his and his team’s spirits up and he hopes they’ll do the same for all of us.

“Tough negotiations” ©️ Ayala Fishaimer / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020. Animal: Fox, Location: Israel

Surprise Smiles” ©️ Asaf Sereth / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020. Animal: Dwarf Mongoose, Location: Lake Bogoria, Kenya

Bernhard Esterer / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020. Animal: Lions

“Having a Laugh” ©️ Ken Crossan / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020. Animal: Common Seal, Location: Caithness, Scotland

“Just Chillin'” ©️ Jill Neff / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020.

“I think this tire's gonna be flat” ©️ Kay Kotzian / Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2020. Animal: Grizzly Bears, Location: Grand Teton National Park

Responses to "The Funniest Pics From Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020"

  1. Loved it. Nature and animals are amazing!

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