
On Jan. 15th, 2011 the govt. of Sweden along with the Swedish Hunters Association started the beginning of the Swedish Wolf hunt. They had set a quota of 20 wolves to be killed by hunters which was roughly 10% of Swedens very small population of a little over 200 wolves. The hunt was started despite massive protests from around the world against the hunt and repeated warnings not to proceed by the EU Commission. To date, 17 wolves have been killed many of them alpha wolves or alpha pairs. The hunt will continue until Feb. 15th, 2011 or until 3 more wolves are killed.

Because the Swedish government. had chosen to ignore the EU Commission's warning to not proceed with the hunt, this Thur., Jan. 27, the EU Commission will be meeting to vote on whether to take legal action against the Swedish government.

Currrently the Swedish Hunter's Association has started a petition to send to the EU Commission stating their reasons to be able to continue wolf hunts in Sweden.

Since this is such a critical issue for the wolves and time is extremely short, we are asking that you fill out this petition to the EU Commission in support of taking legal action against Sweden so that their wolf hunt will not be allowed to continue in the years to come.

Thank you for your support to help save the wolves in Sweden in the future!
Please Sign the Petition  

You can also Sign This Petition

Send the protest letter here

Responses to "Urgent action needed for the wolves of Sweden!"

  1. Carole says:

    Please do not kill wolves! They have a right to live. I urge the European Union to protect wolves in countries that still have wilderness and to prosecute the Swedish government for not protecting this rare species.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Please save the wolves. They are a natural part of the natural environment and have a right to live. There must be other ways to solve any "problems" !!

  3. Anonymous says:

    What sort of mind is it that would look through a gun sight, pull a trigger and deny life to such a beautiful animal.
    Its got to be a man!
    The man moves forward to the animal and looks at it. The animal´s glazed eyes look strangely toward the man, but Wolf Spirit says "Why did you do this to me?"

  4. i am a wolf and before you came
    i ran safe and free
    now all that's changed
    my land is gone
    my numbers stunted
    by so many people
    who too much hunted
    down my packs
    for trophy and sport
    or because this was
    their way to cavort
    this was my land before you came
    now things can never be the same
    karen lyons kalmenson

  5. Philippe Cotto / Felipe Odiroso says:

    Ces massacres abjects doivent cesser...

  6. Nila says:

    I have worked for animal rights organizations and have just moved to Sweden and was sooo stunned when I found out about the hunt. I figured a very liberal political country would look down on this sort of hunting but was so wrong. Wolves are my absolute favorite and I am most definitely going to help as much as possible.

  7. Anonymous says:

    they have no right to kill not only wolves but any living creature wolves dogs cats....... they came before us on this earth we are the aliens not them the human race is nothing but a parasite to this earth i can only see bad things from them buildings are here instead of trees water is all dirty i dont see any good thing that was God created is still shame on us i know that up there God is watching and i am sure he is going to do something about it Please Stop this Massacre
    Jessy K

  8. Anonymous says:

    Leave the wolves alone. Just let them be, go about your business and they will not bother you.
    To go out and kill them is just wrong. I am sure they are not running about town, where they can do some damage. Find a better solution than just gunning them down.

    Stella K.

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