
July is the 7th day of the year and one of 7 months that has a total of 31 days. July tends to be the warmest month in the northern hemisphere (in the southern hemisphere it is the coldest month). It is also an important month because the second half of the year begins in July.

Summer in July is for the most part a carefree time where the land is in full bloom. Summer flowers are abundant and gardens start to overflow with homegrown produce. Nature is busy raising babies everywhere to prepare them for the colder months ahead and food is abundant for the taking. It is a time to spend outdoors, a time to spend with friends and to take life a little bit easier as the pace of summer is a slower one. It is a time to enjoy the beauty and songs of summer and a time for play and summer fun.

Many wonderful memories are made in summer that tend to last a lifetime. Whether it be of hot and sultry days as the dog days of summer begin in July or warm magical nights with star filled skies, there is joy to be had for everyone. Summer in July is the perfect time to enjoy this beautiful world of ours and to "take time to stop and smell the roses" in our lives.

Summer days and Summer nights
This time of year is full of many delights;
Time for play and for moments of carefree fun
Before the warm days of Summer are on the run

Responses to "The magic of Summer in July"

  1. LasySnake says:

    What beautiful puppies! You are so blessed to have the wolf as your spirit guide

  2. Unknown says:

    I have a (dog )like that at home, and shes the best i ever had!

  3. Unknown says:

    I have a (dog) like that at home,and she is the best i ever had!

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