
Polar bears are the largest species of bears on Earth. They are also known as "sea bears" since they spend so much time out on the sea looking for food which is mainly seals. A polar bear's nose is so sensitive that they can smell a seal up to 2 miles away. They will swim from ice floe to ice floe at the top of the world in the Arctic Circle. However current populations of polar bears are under threat because of loss of sea ice associated with global climate change. They are also gravely threatened by legal and illegal hunting pressure, oil and gas development, air and water pollution, and other negative human impacts, including tourism.

Today is known as International Polar Bear Day which celebrates the polar bear on a yearly basis every February 27th. In honor of them there is no better way to celebrate their continuing existence on their special day than taking some meaningful efforts to reduce CO2 on our planet. There are some simple ways to get started in order to help these magnificent bears and their threatened habitats. The following suggestions are workable for everyone and will go a long way to help ensure that the polar bears will be able to survive in the future.

The suggestions below are taken from the organization, Polar Bear International:

Transportation ~

Walk or ride a bike
Use public transportation
Drive the most fuel-efficient vehicle for your needed task and drive at the most efficient speed for your vehicle
Avoid drive-through businesses; don't idle for more than 30 seconds
Keep your car tuned up and maintain proper tire inflation

Home & Work ~

Insulate buildings and heat/cool with efficient systems (e.g., rated by Energy Star)
Generate your own power with wind and solar
Let your utility company know that you want to subscribe to green power
Use energy-efficient (e.g. Energy Star) appliances and equipment. Turn appliances off when not in use. Use low-tech methods when possible (e.g., line-dry clothes)
Replace light bulbs with compact fluorescent or other energy-efficient bulbs (see Energy Star)
Use no more water than needed

Dining Table ~

Buy and cook only what you’ll eat. Don’t waste food.
Consume foods that are minimally processed and packaged (e.g., potatoes vs. potato chips)
Purchase fruits and vegetables grown locally on small-scale farms
Avoid products that result from tropical deforestation (e.g., palm oil, coffee that isn’t shade-grown, South American beef)
Consume less meat. Eat three meatless meals per week.
Consume products like pasture-fed beef, free-range poultry, and wild salmon rather than CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operations) meats.

Marketplace ~

Minimize consumption: reduce, reuse, and recycle
Research vendors and buy from those with sustainable business models
Avoid products with excess packaging
Buy products created closer to home: for example, if you live in the U.S. or Canada, purchase goods made in North America instead of those shipped from far away.

Social Interactions ~

Vote for political representatives who recognize that our carbon-based society isn’t sustainable and who will work to establish an appropriate price for carbon
Interpret the facts about global warming to your friends and relatives
Encourage members of your social circles to adopt sustainable lifestyles—and lead by example
To help create a stewardship ethic in your community and raise awareness of how lifestyle changes can make a difference, take part in local green initiatives like planting trees, recycling drives, or ride-your-bike to work days—or start your own.

Did You Know?

There are about 100 million households in the U.S. alone, and each household uses about 11,000 KWh electricity per year. It takes one pound of coal to generate 1KWh of electricity. The electricity generated in the U.S. is roughly 50% coal, 25% natural gas, 25% other (nuclear + hydroelectric + renewable). Power generation is somewhat regional – do you know what's in your area?

A 100W light bulb left on for 10 hours burns one pound of coal.

VIDEO: Mother Polar Bear and Cubs Emerging from Den

Responses to "International Polar Bear Day ~ February 27th. (Video)"

  1. bandit says:


  2. Anonymous says:

    Catherine, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

  3. Unknown says:

    so cute

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