
The Peruvian government denies they exist but the evidence is irrefutable. In this short video Teodoro, a local man, describes his encounter with an uncontacted tribe.

Survival estimates there are 15 uncontacted tribes in Peru. All of them live in the most remote, isolated regions of the Amazon rainforest.

They include the Cacataibo, Isconahua, Matsigenka, Mashco-Piro, Mastanahua, Murunahua (or Chitonahua), Nanti and Yora.

Multiple threats

All of these peoples face terrible threats – to their land, livelihoods and, ultimately, their lives. If nothing is done, they are likely to disappear entirely.

Uncontacted tribes are extremely vulnerable to any form of contact with outsiders because they do not have immunity to Western diseases.

International law recognises the Indians’ land as theirs, just as it recognises their right to live on it as they want to.
Following first contact, it is common for more than 50% of a tribe to die. Sometimes all of them perish.

That law is not being respected by the Peruvian government or the companies who are invading tribal land.
Uncontacted for good reason

Everything we know about these isolated Indians makes it clear they seek to maintain their isolation.

On the very rare occasions when they are seen or encountered, they make it clear they want to be left alone.

Sometimes they react aggressively, as a way of defending their territory, or leave signs in the forest warning outsiders away.

The Indians have suffered horrific violence and diseases brought by outsiders in the past. For many this suffering continues today. They clearly have very good reason not to want contact. (SOURCE)

Raya, a Nahua elder. More than half his people were wiped out after their land was opened up for oil exploration, Peru. © Johan Wildhagen

Arrows belonging to uncontacted Indians, collected in south-east Peru. © FENAMAD

Uncontacted Mashco-Piro from south-east Peru, close to the ManĂº National Park. © G.

Ceramic pots found in the Isconahua reserve are evidence of the presence of these isolated Indians. © Pepe Villacorta / ProNaturaleza

VIDEO The Evidence

Responses to "The Uncontacted Indians of Peru - The Evidence (VIDEO)"

  1. Anonymous says:

    The only way he can find that village is GPS. That is monitored, he has given their coordinates away to the capatalists.

  2. Anonymous says:

    This makes me so very sad, to think what (the others) have done to all the tribes of the Americas and to think (the others) will still again do it now in this present day. Have they not learned anything??

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