
Powwow For Hope 2013! By American Indian Cancer Foundation

This Saturday, May 4, an important event for all of Indian country will be held in Minneapolis. The American Indian Cancer Foundation's Powwow for Hope will feature "dancing for life, love and hope."

Powwow for Hope is an opportunity to make a difference in the American Indian community. Help is needed to address the cancer burdens faced by many American Indian families throughout Indian Country. All money raised on Saturday will be used to support cancer education and supportive services for American Indian communities.

To learn more, go to and The pow wow also has a Facebook page, here.

Head Staff:

MC: Murphy Thomas Co-MC: David Larsen Arena Director: Kirk Crow Shoe

Head Dancers:
Kristy Montry
Robert Desjarlait

Drum Groups:
Ringing Shield (host)
White Earth Boys (co-host)
Eyabay Ain Dah Yung Center Singers
Bear Medicine Singers
Stonebridge Drum

Guest Leadership:
Senator Al Franken
Sisseton Honor Guard

VIDEOS American Indian Cancer Foundation's "Pow-wow for Hope" in Minneapolis

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