
Did you know? Red foxes are not all red. Other common red fox colours include brown, black and silver. Even foxes that come from the same litter can be different colours!

The red fox generally lives on the edges of wooded areas, prairies and farmlands. Foxes only use dens when they are breeding. These dens are usually dug in sand and soil. When building the den, the fox makes sure there is more than one entrance in case of danger. When the red fox is not breeding, it sleeps in the open and keeps warm by wrapping itself with its long bushy tail.

Red foxes are nocturnal, but it’s not unusual for them to be spotted during the day. They also have exceptional sight, smell and hearing abilities which makes them excellent hunters. Unlike other mammals, the red fox is able to hear low-frequency sounds which help them hunt small animals, even when they’re underground!

The red fox preys primarily on small animals such as voles, mice, lemmings, hares and rabbits. They also like the taste of chicken and have been called chicken thieves by many farmers. The red fox doesn’t just eat meat, though. It also likes to eat plants, fruits and berries. Even when the red fox is not hungry, it will keep hunting and gathering food to store for its next meal.

Red foxes are found in all of Canada’s provinces and territories, making them one of the country’s most wide-spread mammals. In addition to Canada, the red fox can be found in the United States, Europe, Asia, North Africa and Australia.(Source)


Responses to "Family Of Red Fox Kits Having A Cute Time (Video)"

  1. Anonymous says:

    Nice video!

  2. pilvikki says:

    they're so cute, and look like they're wearing boots.

    the kids weren't too happy about their dinner selections though...

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