
Watching this cute video of a puppy and a bird playing together is a great reminder: Some things are universal and simple, joyful playtime tops the list.

It's not often you see a bird on its back, with a puppy pouncing it.

But as the video rolls on, you quickly realize that the bird is very much this puppy's playmate — the little dog is quite gentle, and the bird is actually often the instigator of their mischief.

Switching from silliness to curiosity, from sitting together to running around, you witness a wonderful example of animals just plain old having a good time together. And that is undeniably cute!

This is a great example of interspecies communication, of understanding body language of a very different species well enough to get along and be joyful together, of understanding when play is simply play.

In fact, it is communication among three species — the bird and dog playing, and the humans on the scene who are also able to read that this is just another morning in the sun for these two and there's nothing about their interaction to fret over. It is fun to witness play among members of the same species — and downright wonderful to witness it between members of different species. It reminds us that play — the expression of happiness and carefree joy — is universal.

Responses to "Just a puppy and a bird playing together. (Video)"

  1. Anonymous says:

    This bird is a comedian! Awesome example of nature at work when left alone!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I think it is quite obvious that the bird belongs to the family.

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