
Dinner time for Kittens with voracious appetite

Bobcats ( Lynx rufus) are among the most secretive of Kansas furbearers. They range throughout Kansas, but even where they reach the highest densities in the southeast, they are only rarely seen.

Bobcats are usually only a leap away from cover, and closely associate with shrubby edges of riparian woodlands and field borders, timber, rocky ledges or outcroppings, ravines, and other brushy or generally broken habitat types.

Their spotted fur provides excellent camouflage in these habitats, and their willingness to crouch and hide rather than to bolt across open spaces aids in their elusiveness.

Both male and female bobcats have a distinct white spot on the back of each ear, which may serve as a visual cue for kittens to follow the female through dense undergrowth. Though kittens are usually born in the spring, bobcats may breed and have young at any time of year. Two or three kittens per litter is average.


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