
Superdog! Golden retriever helps disabled owner get dressed, load the washing machine and even change the TV channel

Ms Syversten has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. The syndrome is a degenerative condition which means even when Ms Syversten makes the slightest of movements, her joints can dislocate leaving her struggling and in pain.

 She met Griffin through the charity Canine Partners, who match assistance dogs with disabled owners to make their lives easier.

'I really do not know what I'd do without him; he's changed my life completely.'

Jenny Moir from Canine Partners said: 'The difference Griffin is making to Clare's daily life is amazing but typical of the hundreds of canine partners working with their disabled partners.

'Not only are the physical tasks beneficial, which gives the disabled person some independence back, but also the dogs increase self-esteem, confidence and companionship.'


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