
Elsa is clearly a very sweet sort of cat — and she's putting that big heart of hers to some good use.

After a pair of chicks hatched on the farm where she lives in western Sweden this week, Elsa leapt into mom-mode. All it took was the sound of the baby chickens, who up until then had been inside an artificial incubator, calling out for a little parental guidance.

The cat obliged.

"She was walking around meowing last night, and honestly being a right pain, when she heard them chirp," Elsa's owner Ingela Ljung told

Much to Ljung's amazement, Elsa then lifted the chicks in her mouth and carried them to her bed, just as she might have done with her own kittens. Footage of Elsa and the adopted youngsters shows just how tenderly she's caring for them — so much so that Ljung isn't sure she should intentionally part them:

"I am also scared that she will be completely devastated if I take them from her," she said.

När ens kattflicka absolut ska ta hand om dem nykläckta kycklingarna 󾬑 󾬑 󾇝󾇝
Posted by Ingela Ljung on Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Elsa har blivit kycklingmamma 󾬑󾬑
Posted by Ingela Ljung on Tuesday, March 22, 2016

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