
An Arizona congressman is angry that sacred Apache land will continue to remain listed in the National Register of Historic Places, according to Tucson Weekly.

Republican Rep. Paul Gosar and Sen. John McCain had joined forces with Democratic Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick in an effort to sell off the ancestral Native American land, known as Oak Flat or Chi’chil Bildagoteel to the Apache community, to mining firm Resolution Copper, owned by an Australian-British corporation.

The designation of Oak Flat as a National Historic Place could hamper the plan to construct a copper mine on the land. But ultimately nothing “guarantees that a historic property cannot be modified or even destroyed,” said Stephanie Toothman, the National Register’s keeper, in a letter to the two lawmakers.

According to the New York Times, it would have been the first time in history Native American lands would have been handed over to a foreign company by Congress. The site has long been used for Apache coming-of-age ceremonies, particularly for girls.

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Gosar claims it is not a holy site, despite Apache claims to it and historical evidence. “Oak Flat has never been a sacred site, as confirmed by the local tribe’s own former historian,” Gosar wrote. “Yet, Obama’s minions are hell-bent on sabotaging an important mining effort by listing a small, public campground 20 miles away from the nearest tribe’s reservation as a historic site.”

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“Oak Flat, known to us Chi’chil Bildagoteel, has always been our connection to our Mother, our right to exist, a central part of our prayers, songs, stories and spiritual practices. It is from here that we emerged. It is who we are,” Native Elder wrote in a press release.
(Via Rawstory)

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Responses to "Congressman Furious He Cannot Give Sacred Apache Land To Mining Company"

  1. Anonymous says:

    Too much land that was promised Native Peoples by treaty have been taken by the government breaking the treaties they wanted. The People have been forced off their ancestral lands and now the greed of the so called "civilized" world wants to strip what little land the people have left to call their own. For those who can vote, please vote for Senator Sanders, he stands with the people and against the greedy corporations and crooked lawmakers in Washington. It is time to make them "FEEL THE BERN!"

  2. Dot Roise-Lodsin says:

    I think the entire state of Arizona should be given to the American Indians. We don't need another copper mine, but we do need to preserve the Native American heritage and atone for atrocities made to native Americans.

  3. Jennifer says:

    I am continuously ashamed at the government for their actions against American Indians. It is 2016 and despite all of the activism and humanitarian work our country can do, they are still struggling to keep the small amount of lands they have left. Shame on us. Shame on the power hungry and money greedy. Give the American Indians their pride, land and ability to get a quality education.

  4. Slow genocide entails habitat destruction and soul destruction. The Rothschild-controlled U.S. government ("United States of Rothschild") will never stop until we put the Rothschild bankers and their minions (politicians and others) in prison for their countless crimes against humanity.

  5. furgy says:

    This is sacred tribal lands, end of the discussion as far as I concerned, there is no way this land should be considered for mining or anything else, this land belongs to the people who live there.

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