
This slow loris is only 8 weeks old, but he's already spent more time inside a cage than he has in the wild — or even with his mother.

Pasar was cruelly taken from an Indonesian rain forest along with four other slow lorises so that they could be sold as pets. Slow lorises are known to have a venomous bite, so Pasar's teeth were filed down to make certain that he couldn't fight back or protect himself.

He and the other lorises were taken to an animal market in Jarkata, Indonesia, to be sold. According to the International Animal Rescue (IAR), many slow lorises tend to die after their teeth are cut out. Who knows how long they may have had, if it weren't for a police raid of the market that occurred in early March.It was that very raid that brought Pasar and the others to safety at last.

They arrived at the IAR center in Ciapus where vets found the lorises dehydrated, with bleeding, infected mouths. One of the adults was pregnant. Pasar was deeply affected by his difficult ordeal. The IAR said he and another baby slow loris named Warung were "severely traumatized and constantly crying out for their mothers."

The whereabouts of Pasar's mother are currently unknown. The IAR believes that she might have been caught at the same time as him, but was kept away from him and sold separately. But the troubles of Pasar's past are far behind him now — and with rehabilitation and care, he'll never have to worry about falling into the hands of a poacher again.


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