
A baby squirrel was saved by a family and formed a special friendship with their dog Millie.

Abbey Harrison wrote:

“We left the squirrel outside for about a day and when we went back he was still there. His mother never found him, or his mother was dead. We then took it upon our elves to take care of this little squirrel until he is ready to be released.

"So far he has lasted just over a week under our care. He has evolved from not having his eyes open to a bounding squirrel full of energy.”

“He is very fun to watch and enjoys playing with my dog and of course, eating. Neither my dog, nor the squirrel has been hurt during their play. He is not meant to be kept as a pet, and will be released as soon as possible. Please enjoy this little video of the squirrel and my dog.”

Millie and Squirrel look like they love playing with each other!

Mrs. Harrison is planning to release the little squirrel in the wild when he’ll be bigger and stronger, because squirrels shouldn’t be kept as pets. But in the meantime, she’s taking great care of him, and the friendship he shares with Millie is truly amazing.


Responses to "Dog Befriends A Playful Baby Squirrel & Watches Him As He Sleeps"

  1. Unknown says:

    Thankyou so much for being there for the little squirrel the video is adorable and little squirrel and your gentle giant Millie have found their way into my heart such a lovely warm feeling there :) x

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