
Photographer Amber Bracken traveled to Sacred Stone Camp outside Cannon Ball, North Dakota, where a protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline has been ongoing for months.

 Images and footage from the protests have attracted widespread attention, drawing thousands to the camp in support.

The Camp of the Sacred Stone is full of all manner of people — kids, elders, lawyers, and representatives of several Native American tribes — all gathered alongside the Standing Rock Sioux Nation to resist construction of a controversial oil pipeline that would cut across the American heartland.

Since construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline brought protesters to the encampment in April, organizers say nearly 280 tribes have offered support. Celebrities, environmentalists, politicians and other activists have joined together to create one of the more unusual coalitions to back a cause.

No matter what the government or courts ultimately decide, many of the people who call themselves "water protectors" coming together at the camp near Cannon Ball, N.D. have said they're prepared to continue the resistance.

Hundreds of people now gather at Sacred Stone each day, and the camp has gained both national and worldwide attention.

Despite vast cultural differences, Native tribes see themselves as protectors of the land, said Hopkins. "This is part of a larger issue we face as Native people," she said. "It's something we've always faced...fighting for our lands and our survival."

Felicia arrived from El Paso, Texas, to the Sacred Stone Camp on Sept. 10, 2016. She said she felt called to pray for the water and to stand with the protesters. Amber Bracken

Sacred Stone Camp staff bearers Phil Littlethunder, left, and Shannon Rivers, close the gates to a pipeline construction site

Sacred Stone Camp on Sept. 10, 2016.

Winona Kasto, Cheyenne Sioux from South Dakota at Sacred Stone Camp on Sept. 11, 2016. “I’m not leaving,” she said.

A horse, nicknamed Whitey, at the Sacred Stone Camp

Erica Ryan-Gagne, traditional name Gidinjaad (Eagle-woman), with her children Xaay.ya (Sunshine), 4, left, and Taajuu (Windy) Gagne on Sept. 12, 2016. The family traveled 7 hours by ferry and 30 hours in a car to come from Haida Gwaii, British Columbia to North Dakota.

Cousins Ohiya Shaw, 8, left to right, Aniimiiki Shaw, 4, Jiselle Ross, 8, and Jules Ross, 11, wake up for the first time at Sacred Stone Camp on Sept. 11, 2016. The Lakota and Ojibway family traveled from Minneapolis in part because the eldest daughter was following the issue on social media and was upset it wasn’t being talked about more. 

Responses to "Inspiring Photos Show The Inside Of The Sacred Stone Camp"

  1. beautiful spirit - thank you for sharing - blessings from the Maori Nation of Aotearoa - New Zealand

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