
“Trail of Tears Cherokee Legacy” explores America’s darkest period: President Andrew Jackson’s Indian Removal Act of 1830 and the forced removal of the Cherokee Nation to Oklahoma in 1838.

Nearly a quarter of the Cherokee National died during the Trail of Tears, arriving in Indian Territory with few elders and even fewer children. Presented by Wes Studi and narrated by James Earl Jones.

Distinguished Awards: Silver World Medal for History, New York Festivals 2007 Silver Film Award, Telly Awards 2007 Best Documentary, American Indian Film Festival 2006 Founder’s Award, International Cherokee Film Festival 2006 Best Documentary DeadCenter Film festival Best Feature Documentary Native American Music Awards Platinum Best of Show Aurora Awards Winner AEGIS Awards

James Earl Jones narrates Rich-Heape Films, Inc.'s "Trail of Tears Cherokee Legacy"

Noted actor James Earl Jones had previously provided his voice to Rich-Heape Films, Inc. award-winning documentary Black Indians: An American Story. Mr. Jones, who is of blended African and Cherokee heritage, narrates in his customary and convincing tones and will lead an already distinguished group of celebrity voices.

Wes Studi, the best known Cherokee actor, presents the documentary film, speaking on camera in his native tongue (with subtitles). Mr. Jones and Mr. Studi are supported by the celebrity voices of actor James Garner, Crystal Gayle and actor John Buttram and former Virginia Gov. Douglas Wilder reading diary excerpts, and a host of historical experts from major universities.

Endorsed by the Cherokee Nation and the Easter band of Cherokee Indians.


Responses to "“Trail of Tears Cherokee Legacy” Presented by Wes Studi"

  1. Unknown says:

    Just as with the Japanese internment in WORLD WAR II This is another piece of US HISTORY that the government wishes you didn't know about. Trying to remove traces of the Civil War doesn't make it LESS REAL to those whose family members remember it. It is time that THIS dark and dirty part of our history be told in a way it can't be swept UNDER a rock. Time to reclaim the great heritage these actions almost ERADICATED. And the People go on.

  2. Unknown says:

    Not your fault that you are regurgitating what the liberals have fed you as the truth. He recognized that the warrior tribes could not co=exist with Americans and that it would be better for them to move across the Missisppi. He realized more than most that they would lose their identify if they stayed. He also recognized that their warrior culture could not co-exist peacefully with Americans. So for their own good he signed the order to move em across the Missisppi. He also abided by a Supreme Court Judgement that the Cherokees won and sent 15 thousand Federal troops to protect Cherokee land. Georgia then rose up on their hind legs and declared it a state matter. The State of Georgia, not my Ancestor, set up a lottery for the Cherokee lands and proceeded to round them up with Georgia state militia and sent em on the Trail of Tears. Andrew Jackson abided by the Supreme Court Judgement . Georgia sent Cherokees on the trail of tears and set up the land lottery, not my ancestor, Andrew Jackson. Get your facts straight. Also Danesh smeared my ancestors memory with false allegations and slander from his opponents from that time. Read Brandweis biography of Andrew Jackson and the book: The Geogia Gold Rush to get your misinfomation corrected.

  3. Unknown says:

    Andrew Jackson....the p.o.s. president that gave out blankets to the Indians. They were purposely infested with Small Pox.

  4. How do you order a DVD of this?

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