
While exploring in the woods, this man came across a strangely-bent tree. The mysterious tree is actually a trail marker made by Native Americans over 200 years ago!

The man was hiking in the woodlands along the Chattahoochee River in Georgia, when he spotted the abnormally-shaped tree on the hillside and explains that it was possibly made by the Creek Indians over 200 years ago as a trail marker.

These trees are unique because they are bent in very unnatural angles. Some trees are just weirdly-shaped, but there's something special about these bent trees.

Mysterious bent trees are actually Native American trail markers.

While exploring the woodlands along the Chattahoochee River in Georgia, this man came across an abnormally bent tree on the hillside that was possibly made by the Creek Indians over 200 years ago as a trail marker.

Native Americans would bend trees in order to create trail markers that formed an early routing system, which served multiple purposes, from indicating that water and food was nearby, to warning travelers of rough country ahead, these landmarks were important features in navigating the early Americas.

Trail trees are hardwood trees throughout North America that Native Americans intentionally shaped with distinctive characteristics that convey that the tree was shaped by human activity rather than deformed by nature or disease.

One unique characteristic of the trail marker tree is a horizontal bend several feet off the ground, which makes it visible at greater distances, even in snow.

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