
November's full moon is known as the Beaver Moon - but also the Hunter's Moon and the Full Frost Moon.

According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, the full moon that falls during the month of November was named after the beaver by both colonists and Algonquin tribes. The Beaver Moon marked the time of year for setting beaver traps before the swamps froze to ensure a supply of warm furs that would last the winter.

The moon will hit its peak fullness just after midnight at 12:23 a.m. Saturday, but it will appear nearly full Saturday night as well.

It will be the second-biggest full moon of the year. Even though it's not officially a super moon it still could appear slightly larger, according to EarthSky.

A super moon hits its fullest point close to the time it reaches perigee -- or when it moves the closest to Earth in its orbit.

This moon will hit its fullest point early Saturday morning when it is 226,179 miles from Earth, according to

It will reach perigee on Sunday, Nov. 5, at 6:10 p.m. CST (note the time change!). It will be 224,587 miles away from Earth at that point. So, according to, if the full moon was just one day later it would get the super moon title. The next super moon will be on Dec. 3.

This month's moon can be called the Hunter's Moon as well. That's the name given to the full moon that follows the Harvest Moon, which fell on Oct. 5 this year, according to EarthSky.


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