
The story of Elvis Pigsley is sure to bring a big smile to your face. This little piglet found himself on just the right doorstep at just the right moment, and his life was changed forever.

Rather than searching for the farmer who may have lost his “property,” they decided to do what was best for this sweet baby and immediately brought him to Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary.

At the sanctuary, Elvis got everything a little pig like him could need, including his winning name. As his new carers admit … you just can’t help falling in love with him! Elvis Pigsley began winning over everyone at the sanctuary the second he came in.

The baby pig quickly started to show his playful character and excitement at being in his new home.

He made his enthusiasm for his new life filled with compassion very clear with lots of happy squealing and jumping around.

“Even though he had every reason to be All Shook Up, Elvis Pigsley is, as Lyall Watson once said, like all pigs, an ‘eternal optimist,’” the staff writes.

While he might not have his mama, he will be surrounded by plenty of love. He already has some giant stuffed animals to help him feel at home.

This piglet had a lot of luck to find people who valued him as a “someone” rather than a something.

… And he is now busy being just about the most adorable pig around!

Being this cute all the time must be hard work, but Elvis Pigsley does not shy from it at all. Thanks to the wonderful person who found and helped him and the extraordinary sanctuary team that now cares for him every day, Elvis is finally safe and starting his life in perhaps the best forever home he could have.

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