
Sky watchers all over the world will see a “supermoon” in the night sky! on the 26th. The Full Moon of May crests within hours of “perigee” which is the Moon’s closest point to Earth in its orbit. In fact, this is the closest perigee of 2021 so the Moon will appear especially big and bright all night long, rising at sunset in the east and setting at sunset in the west.

As a reminder, a total eclipse of the Moon happens when Earth comes between the Sun and the Full Moon so that all three are in alignment. The Earth blocks the Moon so that the Sun’s light can not light up the Moon’s disk. What you see is the Earth’s shadow covering the Moon. On May 26, the Earth, Moon, and Sun are not in perfectly alignment so the full Moon doesn’t travel through the very center of Earth’s shadow. A more perfect alignment would result in a deeper, longer total eclipse.

For those who see totality, the Moon will appear a reddish-orange color. This is because some sunrays still make it through Earth’s atmosphere to the Moon. This reddish hue is why some folks call a total lunar eclipse a ”Blood Moon.”

Prior to totality, a “partial lunar eclipse” happens. A small part of the Moon’s surface is covered by the darkest, central part of the Earth’s shadow, called the umbra. In a partial eclipse, Earth’s shadow appears to take a bite out of the moon.

Remember, the word “eclipse” can mean anything from a life-altering experience to a dud. The grandest variety, so powerful it often makes people weep, is a total solar eclipse, when pink flames or prominences leap from the Sun’s edge. But those average just once every 360 years for any given location, and usually requires a pilgrimage.

In the tradition of Native American naming, it’s commonly known as the flower moon, to reflect the spring blooms seen this month. Other names for the May full moon include the hare moon, the corn-planting moon and the milk moon.

According to some Native tribes, the full flower moon means increasing fertility, as temperatures become warm enough for animals to bear young.

For this reason, it’s sometimes called Mother’s moon. It also signals the near end of late frosts.

The name flower moon is sometimes used to describe the full moon of June, but a more popular name for June’s moon is the strawberry moon.

May Moon Names: Frog Moon (Cree). Ponies shed (Sioux). Bright moon (Celtic). Waiting Moon (Hopi). Mulberry Moon (Greek). Ninth Moon (Wishram). Idle Moon (Assiniboine). Big Leaf Moon (Mohawk). Panther Moon (Choctaw). Grass Moon (Neo-Pagan). Planting Moon (Cherokee). Corn Planting Moon (Taos). Little Corn Moon (Natchez). Green Leaf Moon (Apache). Corn Weed Moon(Agonquin). Field Maker Moon (Abernaki). Blossom Moon (Anishnaabe). Shaggy Hair Moon (Arapaho). Green Leaves Moon (Dakota). Fat Horses Moon (Cheyenne).

Leaf Tender Moon (San Juan). Hare Moon (Medieval English). Milk Moon (Colonial American). Strawberry Moon (Potawatomi). Hoeing Corn Moon (Winnebago). Alewive Moon (Passamaquoddy). Ninth Moon (Dark Janic), Mothers Moon (Full Janic). Flower Moon, Corn Plant Moon, Milk Moon (Algonquin).

Other Moon names : Frogs Return Moon, Sproutkale Moon, Dyad Moon, Merry Moon, Joy Moon

VIDEO Total Lunar Eclipse May 26, 2021 Live - Super Flower Blood Moon Eclipse

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