
The pink moon will be visible to everyone across the world, since Earth’s natural satellite will appear to be full for a couple of days.

Despite its name, this full moon will look like any other, said Paul Hayne, a planetary scientist with the University of Colorado Boulder. Any full moon may occasionally take on a reddish hue when near the horizon, due to light passing through Earth’s atmosphere.

The pink moon actually got its moniker due to its annual appearance not long after the start of spring, much like its namesake, a hot pink wildflower called Phlox subulata that blooms in early springtime, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac.

It’s best to view the full moon with binoculars, or even just the naked eye, as it might be too bright to view through a telescope, Hayne said.

“Our closest celestial neighbor has played a starring role in both human mythologies and the evolution of life on Earth. It’s also one of the most beautiful sights in the night sky that is visible without a telescope,” Hayne said in an email. “Looking up at a full moon is a great opportunity to be reminded of the vastness of space and our connection to the cosmos.”

The Dakota tribe dubbed it the "moon when the streams are again navigable," while the Tlingit tribe called it "budding moon of plants and shrubs," in reference to the end of winter and the resurgence of plant growth.

Concerning Easter, this moon is called the Paschal Moon and its full moon appearance is the date upon which the Christian ecclesiastical calendar is based, NASA says. Note, however, that there's a difference in Easter celebration dates depending on which tradition you follow. Western Christianity celebrates on Sunday (April 17), while Eastern Christianity will have their Eastern Orthodox Easter on April 24.

Hindus will commemorate the birth of Lord Hanuman with this full moon, which corresponds with Hanuman Jayanti while Buddhists (especially those in Sri Lanka) will honor Bak Poya, the event during which Buddha visited Sri Lanka to settle a dispute. Your own culture or tradition may have other associations with the April full moon.

While these are the popularized names associated with the monthly full moons, the significance of each one may vary across Native American tribes.

April Full Moon names from different cultures: April Moon Names Leaf Moon (Kiowa). Yellow Moon (Pima). Flowers Moon (Pomo). Growing Moon (Celtic). Flower, Egg (Cherokee). Frog Moon (Assiniboine). (Full Janic), (Dark Janic). Big Spring Moon (Creek). Wildcat Moon (Choctaw). Budding Moon (Mohawk). Wind Breaks Moon (Hopi). Leaf Split Moon (San Juan). Big Leaves Moon (Apache). Strawberry Moon (Natchez). Ice Breaking Moon (Arapaho). Geese Return Moon (Dakota). Indian Corn Moon (Algonquin). Green Grass moon (Sioux). Geese Egg Moon (Cheyenne). Sugar Maker Moon (Abernaki). Awakening Moon (Neo Pagan). Seed Moon (Medieval English). Spring Moon (Passamaquoddy). Corn Planting Moon (Winnebago). Planterâs Moon (Colonial American). Ashes Moon (Taos Native American). Broken Snow Shoe Moon (Anishnaabe). Big Spring Moon, Gray Goose Moon (Cree).

Other Names : Egg Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, Planterâs Moon, Pink Moon, Fish Moon.


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