
In astronomical terms the Full moon is a lunar phase that occurs when the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. The hemisphere is almost fully illuminated by the Sun and appears round to those who are viewing it from the Earth. The time interval between similar Full Moon phases is on average about 29.53 days.

However, throughout time, many a person has uttered the phrase “There must be a full moon tonight” in an attempt to explain weird happenings at night. The Romans gave the Roman goddess of the moon a name that remains familiar to us today - Luna, prefix of the word “lunatic.” Well known Greek philosopher, Aristotle and Roman historian Pliny the Elder suggested that the brain was the “moistest” organ in the body and thereby most susceptible to the influences of the Full moon, which triggers the tides. In Europe through the Middle Ages, humans were widely reputed to change into werewolves or vampires during a full moon.

But is there any truth to these myths of the Full Moon? Scientifically there is no hard core evidence to back this up. In fact Florida International University psychologist James Rotton, Colorado State University astronomer Roger Culver and University of Saskatchewan psychologist Ivan W. Kelly have searched far and wide for any consistent behavioral effects of the full moon. In all cases, they have come up empty-handed. This may be so but there is also the mystical part of life that begs to differ! Whatever your beliefs are, there is the consensus that the Full Moon is a magical and beautiful sight to behold for all.

May Moon Names

Frog Moon (Cree).
Ponies shed (Sioux).
Bright moon (Celtic).
Waiting Moon (Hopi).
Mulberry Moon (Greek).
Ninth Moon (Wishram).
Idle Moon (Assiniboine).
Big Leaf Moon (Mohawk).
Panther Moon (Choctaw).
Grass Moon (Neo-Pagan).
Planting Moon (Cherokee).
Corn Planting Moon (Taos).
Little Corn Moon (Natchez).
Green Leaf Moon (Apache).
Corn Weed Moon(Agonquin).
Field Maker Moon (Abernaki).
Blossom Moon (Anishnaabe).
Shaggy Hair Moon (Arapaho).
Green Leaves Moon (Dakota).
Fat Horses Moon (Cheyenne).
Leaf Tender Moon (San Juan).
Hare Moon (Medieval English).
Milk Moon (Colonial American).
Strawberry Moon (Potawatomi).
Hoeing Corn Moon (Winnebago).
Alewive Moon (Passamaquoddy).
Ninth Moon (Dark Janic), Mothers Moon (Full Janic).
Flower Moon, Corn Plant Moon, Milk Moon (Algonquin).

Other Moon names : Frogs Return Moon, Sproutkale Moon, Dyad Moon, Merry Moon, Joy Moon

Video: Sonata Arctica - Full Moon

Responses to "The Full Moon : A beautiful and heavenly sight to behold."

  1. Anonymous says:

    What is Blackfoot name for the May moon? Or does the Algonquin (from whence they came) apply?

  2. Selene says:

    May you all have a magical Full Moon night...*howls*

  3. Anonymous says:

    what is a Corn Planting moon?

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