
Save the Spirit Bear Coast! A Tar Sands Pipeline and Oil Tanker Traffic Now Endanger Some of the World's Very Last Spirit Bears.

The Spirit Bear with it's cream colored coat lives in a primeval wilderness that once stretched from Canada to California. This beautiful land is filled with towering thousand-year-old trees and salmon-filled rivers. The coastal waters surrounding this land are home to orcas, humpbacks, fin whales and Steller sea lions.

The Native people who live here have also depended on this rich ecosystem for their way of life for thousands of years. If the Northern Gateway pipeline is built it would bring tar sands oil and supertankers into this unspoiled paradise. An oil spill could destroy the Spirit Bear Coast in a matter of days and would prove to be catastrophic for all those who live there.

Please take a minute to sign the petition below to tell British Columbia's Premier, Christy Clark, that the environmental risks outweigh the benefits of this pipeline, and to take a definitive stand against this disastrous project.

The Spirit Bear ~

The Kermode bear (Ursus americanus kermodei, pron. kerr-MO-dee), also known as a "Spirit Bear" (particularly to the Native tribes of British Columbia), is a subspecies of the American Black Bear living in the central and north coast of British Columbia, Canada. It is noted for about 1/10 of their population having white or cream-coloured coats. This color morph is due to recessive alleles common in the population. They are not albinos and not any more related to polar bears or the "blonde" brown bears of Alaska's "ABC Islands" than other members of their species.

National Geographic estimates the Spirit Bear population at 400-1000 individuals, saying that "the Spirit Bear may owe its survival to the protective traditions of the First Nations, who never hunted the animals or spoke of them to fur trappers".

Because of their spirit-like appearance, "Spirit Bears" hold a prominent place in the oral stories of the Canadian First Nations and American Indians of the area. Scientists have found that black bears are not as effective at catching fish as white bears, as the white bears are less visible from the perspective of the fish. While at night the two colors of bears have similar success rates at catching fish, such as salmon, during the day the white bears are 30% more effective.

The Kermode bear was named after Francis Kermode, former director of the Royal B.C. Museum, who researched the subspecies and a colleague of William Hornaday, the zoologist who described it. Source ~ Wikipedia

Call on Premier Clark to Block the Northern Gateway Tar Sands Pipeline

VIDEO Big Oil Threatens the Spirit Bear Coast

Responses to "Campaign to Save the Spirit Bears of British Columbia (Video-Petition)"

  1. epegler says:

    Really can you not take the pipeline around the area. The sprit bear is as important as any other animal. So let it and all of the other animals in the effected area have a chance to live. It is time we, as human's, do the right thing and take care of the animals the Lord put us over. Just because we are put in charge of the care of our planet as well as the animals that in habit it time we did so. The sprit bear is just one of many animals that are in danger do to human greed. Yes it may cost more but we need to do the right thing for a change.

  2. Anonymous says:

    hOW IN THE NAME OF GOD CAN YOU DO THIS?? STOP KILLING ALL OUR EARTH'S ANIMALS OUT OF GREED! THE WORLD WILL ONLY TAKE SO MUCH BEFORE HATRED AND RIOTS BEGIN! YOU ARE GOING TO KILL EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL IN THIS WORLD,EVERYTHING WORTH LIVING FOR. WHERE ARE YOUR MORALS,COMPASSION AND DIGNITY? hAVE YOU NO SHAME? hAVE YOU NO CHILDREN? Think of them if nothing else,You want to leave them a polluted world with no wildlife to enjoy,after all this is what makes life so beautiful. We need to stop the killing already,enough is enough. Selfishness and greed should not exist especially when it comes to this beautiful earth and the beautiful animals on it. So make the decent decision and the right decision and forget the evil pipeline.

  3. Anonymous says:

    GREED RULES it seems. No matter how many people object to the wanton destruction of the earths' beautiful animals and wild life in general there are those that can think of nothing but money and how to get more of it regardless of what is destroyed.Once destroyed it is irreplaceable.If this unwanted pipeline is halted it will be put somewhere else and that somewhere else will be destroyed.It's a sad state of affairs.I am glad I am old and will not be around many more years but my grandchildren and great grandchildren surely have a right to live on an earth where all these wonderful things are still around.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Sad, sad world we live in. Change is not always a good thing. There seems to be such a lack of compassion, love, and consideration. Look at the big picture, not just a snapshot in your mind

  5. Anonymous says:

    I agree with greed

  6. I agree too.
    We live in a good time.
    But let's make it better.

  7. Unknown says:

    These animals are important in ways most people can't fathom. We must save them.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Ok, how can we realisticaly DO SOMETHING HERE?!?

    Stop driving our cars? Warfare tactics? What will stop US/them from consuming so much oil drenched products?

  9. Anonymous says:

    The whites will not lear, We have a need for our spirit beings. The more we lost, the more we lost our spirit. Things are going by leaps and binds. We need to fight for our spirit beings. They need our help, they can not do it themselves.

  10. Anonymous says:

    STOP NOW!!!! There are so many ways to avoid this!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Why do we need another pipeline? Shouldn't we be focusing on clean power sources like the wind? I have had enough of pollution and killing animals who are becoming less to the point of extinction for many of them. With the problems of global warming are people seriously considering making things worse at this point along with killing large populations of animals that are already struggling? Enough is Enough!!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    It is so amazing to hear about how they have survived this long. They deserve to be protected and undisturbed.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Those that destroy wild life and the enviroment in general should be gotten rid of the world would be better without them.

  14. Anonymous says:

    its not right to kill anything that is sacred to our people

  15. Anonymous says:

    My message is simple - No pipeline, no destruction of such beautiful land, water, no killing of the Spirit Bear, Black Bear, the Salmon and all other 4 leggeds, winged ones and marine life, including the plants. What will you leave for my grandchildren and all future life. It seems your goal is to wipe out natural life.

  16. Anonymous says:

    We were given the responsibility to care for the Earth and every Living Thing. To protect it. Not gut it. Destroy it.

  17. Anonymous says:

    When will man learn.

  18. mary hockett says:

    The Spirit Bear with it's cream colored coat lives in a primeval wilderness that once stretched from Canada to California. This beautiful land is filled with towering thousand-year-old trees and salmon-filled rivers. The coastal waters surrounding this land are home to orcas, humpbacks, fin whales and Steller sea lions.

    The Native people who live here have also depended on this rich ecosystem for their way of life for thousands of years. If the Northern Gateway pipeline is built it would bring tar sands oil and supertankers into this unspoiled paradise. An oil spill could destroy the Spirit Bear Coast in a matter of days and would prove to be catastrophic for all those who live there.

  19. Anonymous says:

    "If all the beasts were gone, men would die from a great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to the man. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth". (Chief Seattle of the Suquamish Tribe, letter to President Franklin Pierce.)


  21. B W says:

    C'est assez ! Fini les profit sans scrupules au détriments de toutes les nations pour une minorité d'exploitants se croyant les Maître du monde, protégeons notre nature, il en va de notre qualité de vie à tous. Et ce n'est pas les alternatives qui manque, au contraire soyons créatifs.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Quit destroying the land & environment!!

  23. kat says:

    Big Oil quit tearing up the land and seas. This is insane. Start spending the billions on alternative power sources. Greed kills.

  24. The spirit bear is my spirit guide. Please don't let their habitat be ruined by the greed of the oil companies.

  25. Anonymous says:

    i don't know what's so wrong with humans, have to destroy everything, i don't care what their do to each other, but i do care alot for the animal world....stop taking animal habitats away.....

  26. Ruth says:

    Gutted as usual when I read such things. May all beings be safe and happy. Signed and shared worldwide _()_

  27. Anonymous says:

    What is wrong with these people. First it was the loggers encroaching on the spirit bears, now the crazed oil men. They all have a murderous goal to kill all living things for the almighty frog skin? LEAVE THE SPIRIT BEAR ALONE, and all the peoples and animals ALONE in that area. I vote for the oil men to be chased out and NOT ALLOWED to be there at all. This area needs to be left pristine and only those who've lived there for centuries should be allowed there at all.
    STOP THIS BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!! Or they and even us will end up like the dinosaurs.

  28. Anonymous says:

    When man destroys nature he is destroying himself. This must stop. The greed must end. Leave these beautiful creatures alone. Money should be put into alternative energies, not into destruction for oil and gas. Wake up before it's too late! This is the only planet we have.

  29. Anonymous says:

    WHITE MAN: All they ever think about is how to line their pockets, they don't care about our land or the people that have taken such good care of mother earth. They started raping our as soon as they took it from the Natives and they won't stop until there is nothing left and I am sure they will blame someone else

  30. RainL says:

    The National Geographic estimates the spirit bear (Kermode bear) population at 400–1,000 individuals, saying that "the spirit bear may owe its survival to the protective traditions of the First Nations, who never hunted the animals or spoke of them to fur trappers".
    It is estimated that there are fewer than 400 Kermode bears in the coast area that stretches from the Alaska panhandle southwards to the northern tip of Vancouver Island. And approximately 120 Spirit Bears inhabit the large Princess Royal Island.
    The bear's habitat is potentially under threat from the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines, whose planned route passes near the Great Bear Rainforest. Native groups including the Gitga'at have opposed the pipeline.
    The kermodei subspecies ranges from Princess Royal Island to Prince Rupert, British Columbia on the coast, and inland toward Hazelton, British Columbia. It is known to the Tsimshian people as Moksgm'ol.
    Because of their spirit-like appearance, spirit bears hold a prominent place in the oral stories of the Canadian First Nations and American Indians of the area.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Drill, Baby, Drill!

  32. Anonymous says:

    NO Excuses. Unacceptable. You know NOT of the Consequences of what you do! IGNORANCE isn't BLISS.

  33. robree says:

    The spirit bears need to be saved. Our wildlife are in jepardy. We need to realize they are just as important.

  34. robree says:

    The spirit bears need to be saved. Our wildlife are in jepardy. We need to realize they are just as important.

  35. Unknown says:

    This is getting down right stupid that they have to continue to drill oil, when we have cars that do not need oil. For the sake of this PLANET and all that live here we must get away from oil use. I watched Cold Warriors on PBS, last weekend and cried because in a 11,000 thousand acre National Park in Canada, they are drilling oil the waste is running into the water that the animals drink and ruining the lands. For the sake of this PLANET and if you Stand with Prime Creator of this whole planet, we are all related to all things. The planets, humans, animals, reptiles the Universe and EARTH. Stop destroying her because she will be healed weather humans awaken to the light or not. The Animals have more rights to this planet than humans do, I am one human that lives in Balance with Nature and I am poor. Glad I am because I am not full of Greed and Hate. Save the Spirit Bears, Save The Wolves, save them all before it is too late.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Its ashame that we have to make Petitions to save Gods Creation, Mother Nature, Clean Air, and Water and all of our Animals, and Forests. Man and Mankind should know better than to destroy Nature and its Animals. However, we have people with no Morals, and their agenda is just to destroy and take profits. They dont care about none of this, only if it concerns them to make a profit. GREED is their number one destruction. Hopefully, God will reach out, and punish them for the disaster that they put upon Mother Earth. But, I support keeping any and all Nature and Animals alive.
    Stephen Fortune (Apache)

  37. Anonymous says:

    lets be fair.....please think before we dare to take risks with our precious animal allies...nature is our only hope of touching base with our true self’s. If we destroy our relationship with animals....we lose touch with ourselves,,,,think carefully friend bright blessings xx

  38. These animals are sacred and must be protected!

  39. Unknown says:

    No pipeline. not necessary
    Indiana USA

  40. Unknown says:

    Killing our wild animals is terribly wrong despite the lame excuses that are used. Sometimes (or a lot times) I feel that a lot of human beings are responsible for these horrific circumstances. I am always and always will be on the side of our precious wild animals.

  41. Anonymous says:

    everyone is responsible for the future of these nature habitat and the bear to be protected please dont take it for granted that they will survive if we dont protect them!!

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