
Wolf years is measured by how many winters one has survived.

A Wolf never counts the years , never uses a clock , because a clock does not measure the time, it only measures itself! A clock refers to another clock! Time we cannot see it, we cannot hear it, it is a subjective sense of becoming.

Wolf Time: They are younger than some and older than others but they are as each day...New. They dream with the moon. The seasons are their blanket and their seeds of growth. They have been since the beginning of all time and They can never end.

Wolves refers to seasons: Wolves breed only once a year, during the winter months so the pups will be born in the spring, when food is plentiful and the weather less severe.  

How About Dogs?

In trying to understand dogs' concept of time, humans cannot help but reference their own concept of time. But that's tricky since humans have the unique ability to construct artificial measures of time such as the second, minute, and hour. This is mainly because humans use episodic memory in order to travel through time, recalling past events and looking forward to future ones.

The essential difference appears to be that humans can pinpoint when something happened in the past by relating it to other events. For example, we remember our wedding day as well as who attended, what songs were played, and the happiness we felt. Dogs, on the other hand, can only distinguish how much time has passed since an event has occurred (e.g., "My food bowl has been empty for six hours."). Of course, they don't need only memory to tell them this; a growling stomach says it all.

There is also research evidence for dogs' understanding of the concept of time based on changes in their behavior when left alone by their human companions for different lengths of time. Studies show that dogs display greater affection toward their owners if they've been separated for longer periods of time. As the amount of time away increases, so does the dogs' excitement. This will come as no surprise to dog owners; most canines get excited about the return of the master to the castle, especially after long absences.

For dogs that suffer from separation anxiety, the difference between one and five hours can mean the difference between mild agitation and a full-blown panic attack. Separation anxiety in dogs is often expressed as barking, howling, whining, chewing digging, pacing, scratching, and/or urinating and defecating in inappropriate places while an owner is away or upon his or her return.

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