
For the first time in nearly 100 years, a Sierra Nevada Red Fox was spotted twice on film roaming Yosemite National Park.

The sighting of a rare Sierra Nevada red fox in Yosemite National Park for the first time in 100 years has caused a major stir among park officials and wildlife enthusiasts who hope to see these foxes return.

The fox was caught by a camera trap set out by wildlife biologists who were hoping to catch a glimpse of these foxes and Pacific fishers, both extremely rare animals in the park, as part of a study funded by the Yosemite Conservancy. Kari Cobb, a spokeswoman for the park, told the LA Times the last time there was a confirmed sighting in Yosemite was in 1915.

“We are thrilled to hear about the sighting of the Sierra Nevada red fox, one of the most rare and elusive animals in the Sierra Nevada,” said Don Neubacher, Yosemite National Park Superintendent. “National parks like Yosemite provide habitat for all wildlife and it is encouraging to see that the red fox was sighted in the park.”

California’s Sierra Nevada red fox, a distinct subspecies of red fox, isn’t just rare for the park, it’s one of the rarest mammals in North America. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), there are likely fewer than 50 individuals left in the wild, but there could now be as few as 15.


Responses to "Elusive Red Fox Spotted In Yosemite National Park After 100 Years"

  1. is a duty of all citizens of the world to preserve all species of animals that man himself put to the brink of extinction

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