
The possible construction of a pipeline may threaten a North Dakota Native-American tribe's water. Members from Crow Agency are heading to North Dakota to help protest.

This morning, Crow Nation Native-Americans say they believe history is repeating itself. They say treaty rights are being violated by Congress in North Dakota.

"Learn from your grandfather's and your great-grandfather's mistakes. Don't do what they did to my grandfathers and my great-grandfathers. Lets not repeat what was done in the 1800's, lets not repeat what was done in the early 1900's," Wade Driftwood said.

Driftwood is half Crow, half Hunkpapa Lakota Iwata. His family is from the Standing Rock Sioux tribe in North Dakota.

"Lets figure out another way, lets work together and figure something else out," he said.

Making the Dakota Access Pipeline threat, become a personal matter for him.

Crow Nation Chairman, Darrin Old Coyote says they want to stand with Sioux tribe.

The pipeline would run through the Missouri River, violating treaty rights according to Old Coyote, causing possible contamination to the tribe's water.

"We're standing in solidarity, standing in support of them by donating items," Old Coyote said.

Old Coyote says they're going to North Dakota with buffalo meat, water, firewood and camping gear for Sioux.

"People say "you guys are suppose to be enemies," but that's not the case. We're one race of people, we're Native-Americans, we're indigenous, we're from this land and for another tribe to be treated this way, it's only right to stand beside them," Old Coyote said.

According to Old Coyote, there are over 2,000 people protesting. There's also dozens of tribes uniting for the Standing Rock Sioux tribe.

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