
Since arriving at Standing Rock, Jay Lovewater has provided over 70,000 gallons of filtered water to the camps.

 Every day, you can catch him making multiple water fill runs to and from Oceti Sakowin, providing 600 gallons of pure water to camp every single day. Running every drop of that water through 20 filters, Jay has been an integral part of movement. Lovewater has literally provided the camps with some of the purest water available on planet earth.

The Love Water Truck has been working diligently in Standing Rock to provide the Water Protectors with clean drinking water since September.

"The water we provide is not only clean - it is filtered with a filtration system that is comparable worldwide, as it is much more than just a typical reverse osmosis system.

The water we produce not only contains no fluoride, but also has 0 ppm bacteria. When it is available, Himalayan pink salt is added in order to add neccessary nutrients and minerals that is lost during the reverse osmosis process - this is our preferred method of serving Love Water.

The Love Water Crew has taken a break from working festivals and events to begin our tour of humanitarian work across the country. As rewarding as this work is, we are still unpaid, full time workers, in a society that requires income in order for us to continue this work.

Photo Credit: RedHawk

Working so hard in subzero temperatures is intense and grueling. We are nearing the end of our stay here, however, we want to ensure the Warriors of Standing Rock will continue to receive clean drinking water for years to come. We want to install a state-of-the-art reverse osmosis filtration system in the community that would last at least a decade. This would mean the movement will continue to make an impact, even after we are gone." says Water team on their Facebook page

 Photo Credit: The Love Water Truck

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